Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Graduation ~ May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010
Bryant High School

Krista outside Verizon Arena waiting for the doors to open!
Blenda and Krista before graduation!  I am proud of you girl!!
The scoreboard in Verizon Arena ~ Class of 2010 Bryant High School!
 The honor graduates marching in.....

Krista Koder ~ Honor Graduate

#24 in a Class of almost 500 students!! 
Way To Go!!

Krista getting ready to go on stage to receive diploma

Crossing the stage....

High School is OVER!!!!

The moving of the tassels!


Krista meeting up with the parents after graduation!

Krista with Jason and Jordan

All my kids....Jared, Krista, Jason and Jordan

Daniel Tucker Gotcha! ~ your smiling :)
Kyle Martin
Krista Koder
Devin Norris

Bill Blenda & Krista
Krista & Dillon

Krista and Dillon

Krista and Bill

Krista and Blenda
Daniel Tucker, Krista and Dillon

Krista and Colton Klaus

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jordan's Home and Has A New Haircut!!

Jordan and Delilah left on May 3, 2010 to go spend time in Paragould with Jordan's Grandma Frances, her Aunt Cindy and all of her cousins on her mom's side of the family.  Oh my Lord you would have thought you had cut my heart out!  I missed that baby so much and I actually cried because I missed her so much!  Delilah thinks we are all a bunch of babies because we are so emotional.  She totally doesn't get it when we cry...

They came back home on Tuesday May 11, 2010 and it seemed like they had been gone for months!

Here is what she looked like when she got home!!  Her mom cut her pretty long hair off :(.....I loved that long hair so much... BUT

...Isn't it so cute!!  Look how curly it is!!

May 9, 2010 ~ Mother's Day ~ Senior Recognition GSFBC

Mother's Day and Senior Recognition at GSFBC
May, 9, 2010

On Sunday, May 9 which was also Mother's Day, the church held Senior Sunday.  It started with a reception honoring all seniors and their parents.  It was held in the student auditorium and sandwiches, dips, cake, and a chocolate fountain was served in honor of the graduating seniors. 
Jason, Krista and Jared
Blenda and Krista

Woody Howell and Mary Bivens (Krista's mamaw)
Bonnie Koder (Grannie) and Bill

Krista and Jason
Jason, Jared and Shannon

Dillon Rhodes, Dillon Crouse, Krista  Koder, Stanley Oxner, Dillon Rhea, Alex Hamby, and Daniel Tucker (DT)

Lindsey Walker, Krista and Jordan Hefner


Dillon Rhea & Krista
Dillon Crouse & Krista

Chantel McDonald and Krista in sanctuary before service started. 

Krista at GSFBC ~ Senior Recognition

Seniors During Ceremony
Krista and Jake Clark

Stanley Riley and Krista
Connor & Krista
Krista and Jake Clark

"The Gang"
Jake Clark, Dillon Rhea, Connor Rayburn, Riley Roberts, Krista, Stanley Oxner, Daniel Tucker (DT), Todd Stone, Dillon Crouse 

Stanley and Krista
Krista and Chantel

Daniel Tucker & Krista
Krista and Dillon

Riley Roberts
Krista Koder

Riley Roberts
Krista Koder

UCA ~ Fall 2010
Krista Koder
Courtney Morgan