May 24, 2010
Bryant High School
Krista outside Verizon Arena waiting for the doors to open!
The scoreboard in Verizon Arena ~ Class of 2010 Bryant High School!
The honor graduates marching in.....
Krista Koder ~ Honor Graduate
#24 in a Class of almost 500 students!!
Way To Go!!
Krista getting ready to go on stage to receive diploma
Crossing the stage....
High School is OVER!!!!
The moving of the tassels!
Krista meeting up with the parents after graduation!
Krista with Jason and Jordan
All my kids....Jared, Krista, Jason and Jordan
Daniel Tucker Gotcha! ~ your smiling :)
Kyle Martin
Krista Koder
Devin Norris
Bill Blenda & Krista
Krista & Dillon
Krista and Dillon
Krista and Bill
Krista and Blenda
Daniel Tucker, Krista and Dillon
Krista and Colton Klaus