Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Festival at Wildwood Park

Fall Festival at Wildwood Park October 25, 2009.  Jordan with Peepaw Bill, he was holding her so I could get a picture of her standing up, all she wanted to do was sit down and crawl to me!

I love this little dress, it is reversible, and has a turkey on the other side and is brown/white baby gingham!  It is almost to small, I hope she can still wear this on Thanksgiving!!

Not cooperating to much here!  Couldn't get a smile for the life of me!!

Jordan ~ 11 months ~ Fall 2009

Jordan 11 MONTHS!

Jordan Lilah Koder 11 months....these pictures were taken in the Crouse's front yard....she is just too cute!!

She loved the grass....wasn't sure what to do with it, but loved it!
Look at her little hand in the pic at the right!!

Ms. Edye decorates so wonderful...her house is like a perfect place to take pictures...had friends ask WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE MADE??

Homecoming 2009

Dillon and Krista....this is their 3rd Homecoming Dance to attend toegther....They are such an adorable couple !!  LOVE THEM BOTH!

Homecoming 2009

Krista and Dillon at Dillon's house before Sr Homecoming Dance
of course the date on the camera is still wrong!

Homecoming 2009

Dillon and Krista (The date on the pictures is wrong) ready for the homecoming dance, October 24,2009

Homecoming 2009

Dillon Crouse, Krista Koder, Jamie Hoffmeister, Dylan Rhodes ready for dinner, then off to the 2009 Homecoming Dance...Dumb camera is wrong!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Krista's Senior Pictures

Krista Janai Koder ~ Senior 2010

I love this picture...we also have one in black and white with the shoes in color!

I LOVE ~ LOVE ~ LOVE tree reminds me of my childhood!  This picture was taken at the house of my dreams!!  The swing was in the front yard!!  It is in Benton out toward Silver Springs...What a great place for kids, and grandkids...I love this house so much, and it is actually for sale!! 
These are just a few of the 200 that he took!  We have about 20 of the 200...It was SO HARD to pick out just 20!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Playin with the Chipmunks ~ Estes Park Colorado

Ignore Date on Pics!!  It was really Sept 2009

These little guys were just so cute!  Sometimes they wanted to play and be friendly and sometimes they would just shy away!

Two for one!

Come on over ~ I have some peanuts for you!

They finally would eat out of our hands...

Monday Sept 28,2009 ~ Rocky Mountain National Park

The snow top mountains in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado (ignore date ~ not sure what happend the camera changed itself!)

The Aspen's were just glowing in the sun!

Rocky Mountain National Park


Sunday Sept 27,2009 ~ Estes Park Colorado

This was the view of our drive to Colorado Springs!  It is just so beautiful to see the snow covered mountains!

Bill & Blenda at the entrance to Estes Park, Colorado.  The mountain in the back of us has no snow on it!  It was the mountain on our right...The next picture take same day with a different view and of the mountain behind us (mountain on left) has snow on it!!

Here I am trying to play with the chipmunks...they wasn't to friendly the first day. Please ignore the date on the camera....not sure what happened but lost the date from yesterday to today....It is not really 1/1/2003!!

Here is the first Elk that I saw!  "Big Daddy" was smack in the middle of town!  He crossed the road and used his nose to open the gate of the ballfield and just went right in!  IGNORE DATE PLEASE!!!

"Big Daddy" on the soccer field...

Saturday Sept 26, 2009 ~ Colorado Springs "Garden of the Gods"

Entrance to Garden of the God's
This is a beautiful land mass that is naturally formed!  I can see how it got its name!


We got there just as the visitor center was closing so we didn't get to go up and look across at Pikes Peak.  But we drove thru the Garden of the Gods and it was so pretty!

This is on my list of "must see again's"