Friday, August 28, 2009

Vacation 2009 ~ Navarre Beach, Florida

Krista Koder ~ June 2009
Krista & Dillon
Linda & Philip
Blenda ~ Bill ~ Krista
Blenda & Bill

Thursday, August 27, 2009

More of Jordan ~ 9 Months Old

Jordan ~ 9 months
These photo's were taken the same day as the "Fish Bowl" pictures...even though the fish bowl pictures are my favorite, these are some cute pictures of her too!!
They took almost 200 pictures of her that day...she was such a good little model that day, she was easy to photograph.
Jordan ~ 9 Months
She looks adorable in yellow!
Jordan ~ 9 months
Jordan ~ 9 months
It looks like she is giving that duck a talkin too...
Jordan ~ 9 months
We wanted to take Jordan with us to the beach when we went in June, she didn't get to go so we took these and the scenery looks alot like where we took our pictures in Florida
Jordan ~ 9 months
What a little Angel!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jordan 9 months

Isn't this just too cute!! All of the picture in black and white except for the gold fish in color!! I LOVE IT!!
Jordan Lilah Koder 9 months
Jordan was so cute, she started out just looking at the fish thru the bowl, but it didn't take but a second for the action to start! The pictures tell the story, but I will give you the play by play so you will know what actually happened! :)
Jordan was pointing at the fish as if to say "Look there is a fish in there!!" (Notice the water leval of this picture and notice the water leval of the rest of the photos)
It is kind of hard to tell from these pictures, but the fish bowl W-A-S FULL of water...( the fourth picture shows the bowl full of water)...while Jordan was on her tummy she pulled the bowl over! Water, fish and all went everywhere, and Jordan's little outfit was soaked!! (You really can't tell from the rest of the photo's so that was good!) Her little hand went straight in the bowl and chased the fish round and round the bowl. It was just so cute! Aunt Krista, the photographer and I (Nana Blenda) laughed so hard at her! She really had a fun time with that fish....poor fish didn't know what was going on!!
You can just tell she was thinking..."OK...So I will try to catch him with my other hand!!
Has she given up???...NOPE...just a short rest before going back in for round two!! "Goodness...That little fish is FAST..I can't catch him"!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Krista's Senior Pics

Krista Koder

Bill, Blenda, & Krista took a family vacation to Navarre Beach Florida in June 2009. This is the summer before Krista's Senior year, we took Krista's boyfriend (of almost 2 years) Dillon, with us. Our plan was not only vacation but some Senior pictures too! Krista's Uncle Philip and Aunt Linda (Blenda's sister and her husband)went with us, and as you guessed it Philip was the photographer. We shared a condo on the beach for a week and took almost 500 pictures everyday for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours except for a couple of days that we took off for Destin to explore, and Gulf Shores to eat at Lamberts! We loved the condo so much that we didn't want to leave!

Krista Koder ~ Dillon Crouse

Krista Koder ~ Dillon Crouse

Summer 2009

Bill, Blenda, & Krista Koder

Most of the pictures were taken at the National Seashore. It is between Penscola Beach and Navarre Beach. It is a great place to take pictures, some of the area is still destroyed from the hurricane that wiped out Navarre Beach a few years ago. I will try to post some more of the condo and the family later. Goodness knows I have enough to pick from...

Bill & Blenda

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Peru Mission Trip 2009

Mountains of Peru
Group Photo ~ Peru Mission Trip July 2009
(L/R) Tammy Simpson, Anna Maria, Krista Koder, Danny Stockstill, John Bacon, Annette Bacon, Elza, Emanuel, Kaitlin Hogue, Lindsey Walker
Krista Koder & Lindsey Walker in Peru
Krista holding a baby sheep
July 2009 ~ Krista on Mission Trip with Geyer Springs First Baptist Church to Tombo Peru. Krista said this was her favorite mission trip of all of them that she has been on! I am going to try and go with her next year, she plans on going again the summer after she graduates high school.

Jordan 8 months

You and Peepaw just can't get enough ice both love it so much! You grunt and babble something like bite when you want more. He can't feed it to you fast enough.

The little froggy cap is what Aunt Krista brought you back from Peru, you look adorable in it.
Jordan Look how much you are growing! You now have a bouncy bouncy at Nana and Peepaw's house. You love to bounce in that thing...sometimes we think you are going to bounce right out of it! But you will sit in it and play forever,laughing and giggling,we just love watching you play and have so much fun!